In honor of Millie's great-grandma Juanita, we did some bubbles today for the first time! She liked looking at the wand, not really following the bubbles yet, but it was fun. I told her all about cheese curls, lemon cookies with tea, bubbles on the back deck, white and pink mints in the kitchen, chocolate stashed in the produce drawer of the fridge, and much much more. I told her that one day HER grandma will hang up her artwork in the kitchen and visit us for Easter and keep a tin of crayons for coloring and smell like old-lady powder and hug her with beautifully wrinkled hands. Then Millie got hungry so we stopped talking :)
Here is my sweet lamb with her own Grandma a few weeks ago (that last one is going in a frame for sure!)
To my Grandma: Thanks for watching over my little baby girl. I love you and miss you so much. I hope you read blogs.
Helen Jane