Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

8 Month Millie!

Millie Bea turned 8 months last Thursday! Here she is in her 8 month photo shoot, along with some pictures from Christmas day. More pictures and details to come :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Birthday and some dancing

Last week we celebrated Brady's 31st Birthday! Grandma made spinach pie and french onion soup that was delicious. We got some yummy pastries from a bakery downtown and practiced singing "happy birthday" while Daddy was at work. Millie loves candles so she was very happy with the whole event.

kitty kisses!

playing the thumb piano

dance party with Grandma!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nana and Gaga's visit

Last week Nana and Gaga came out for a visit! We weren't sure if Millie was going to be a little nervous with other people holding her (the baby book told us this is an age when they start that). On the contrary, she was quite the ham! Talking non-stop, laughing, showing them all her toys and loving all the attention. We had a great time- Nana and Gaga helped out around the house and yard, we picked out a Christmas tree, and had our first night of Advent (more on this later).

Millie just finished her new game of "take every toy out of the basket" and is now sitting in my lap. We are listening to The Nutcracker and having a jolly time.