Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Mr. 6 Months!

Accomplishments include rolling to his side, sitting up, hand to hand transfer, bringing things to his mouth, recognizing favorite songs and games, joking and rough housing with his sister, saying "ma-ma" (once), starting to try foods (so far pumpkin is the only thumbs up).

Saturday, July 25, 2015

One Month

Arlo at one month old:

Loves to...
* nap in the stretchy baby wrap
* go on nature walks with his big sister (especially pleasant when Mama remembers his sun hat!)
* nurse all day and night
* lift his head and chest up to look at light and shadows
* have cool down tubbies in the sink
* rock with Daddy in the glider chair
* lay on the grass in the garden
* listen to Millie Bea sing
* have his head rubbed

* belly bubbles during the night
* the sound of plastic bags

Fun facts...
* when he fusses to nurse he sounds like a baby dinosaur
* he quickly outgrew all the tiny baby clothes and is wearing 3-6month onesies 
* when his belly is full and he stays awake, he likes to be sitting up facing us and gives the biggest open mouth smiles while we talk to him
* he is the sweetest, softest boy in the whole wide world!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Dream babies

My beauties, waking up together.

Hello Baby

**not sure what blogger is up to, but there should be 3 posts now with Arlo pics, in the wrong order probably)**

Arlo Juniper Sansone
Born 6/20/15 at 12:32 am
8lbs 8 ounces, 20"

Our beautiful boy was born at home after 3.5 hours of active labor. Everything went great and we are very happy we planned a homebirth. Millie Bea is adjusting well. Arlo is sweeter than we ever could have imagined. Here are some (more) of his newborn pictures.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 2 weeks Arlo!

Yesterday marked Arlo's 2 weeks on the other side of the belly. I'm hoping to get a chance to write down his birth story soon and upload some more photos. For now we're just enjoying his tiny boyness. Millie keeps saying "it's so fun to have a newborn!" :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Bunny Baby!

The loot:
The basket:
The Easter pop tarts:
Out in the garden...
Tea time:
Into the woods:

We had a lovely Easter and hope you did too!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New preschool website!

Hello again bunny friends,

Millie and I would like to share that we just launched our NEW website and started putting flyers up around town!!! Next fall we will officially begin our first year of preschool at home (ok Mama's getting teary-eyed here!), and have some little friends joining us two mornings a week. We are sooo excited, in case you couldn't tell already. When I ask Millie if she is going to be a preschooler next year, she says "No Mama, I'm a pe-schooler NOW."

Without further ado... here is the link to our business site: LittleBirdLearningCommunity.com
I will be posting school related things there and linking to it here in case anyone wants to keep up, and still posting family photos here.

In other news, Pumpkin Baby has been trying to kick his way out of my belly every day now. We decided that the kids will share a room, which makes us feel like we've gotten something done for him, while actually we just crossed something off our list without actually doing it. Does that make sense? Baby's nursery... check! He doesn't get one! Ok, really he will have a little floor bed in Millie's room (with a quilt from Nana that is in the works- thank you Nana!), but we plan to co-sleep again at night. Millie didn't nap on her bed until she was 7 months old, and she didn't sleep away from us at night until she was a year old, so we feel pretty sure that PB will be similar. I need to get better at the baby wraps/carriers this time for sure, especially for the days I'm running my preschool, but luckily we just found out from our midwives that there is a baby-wearing class nearby that has a wrap lending library. How amazing is that??

Well that's my rant for the night. Photos of our visit with Grandma coming soon I REALLY PROMISE THIS TIME. =D

ps: here's my flyer!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A new Instagram name

Hello Bunny Corner blog readers! Millie and I have a new name on Instagram- it is now "Little Bird Learning". What's that you say? You didn't know we have an IG account? If you're viewing this on mobile you'll have to scroll down to the bottom and click "web view" to change the format. Then you can see our Instagram feed on the right side of the blog. I've been making great connections with some other lovely Waldorf-y and like-minded families on IG, so I thought it was time for a change to keep The Bunny Corner a little more private. I'll still be posting family photos here, especially when Pumpkin Baby arrives!
I'm making a new business site for my preschool group, which will be called "Little Bird Learning" next year. I'm going to be launching that in the next couple of weeks and advertising to local families here in town. We're very excited!
So, rest assured that The Bunny Corner will live on for the grandparents and anyone else who may be out there checking in on our sweet bunny baby (soon to be double the bunny sweetness). I hope you'll also like to check in and see what we're learning about on the new site soon. Annie made me the beautiful logo that you see below :)
I hope some of that made sense! Thanks for reading!
 Here's one of the photos I took today of our playroom/classroom to put on the new website:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Easel work

I had the pleasure of observing the artist in her studio this afternoon (and holding the tape for her, and fetching different sized brushes, and adjusting the consistency of her glue... so more assisting than observing).
Piece #1 ~ beeswax crayon, gel crayon, tempera paint stick, glitter paint, printing tools, sequins and glue
Piece #2 ~ paint (she mixed the colors herself), colored tape and scissors, layers of tissue paper and glue, cray-pas 
The second one started because we mixed a light green and Millie said "Ooh a Spring green! I'm going to make grass. New paper, Mum!" She went back and forth between completely process-based creating (cutting and criss-crossing light and dark green tape and commenting on it, mixing an orange to match the color of her orange tape), and also representational/intentional work (grass, flowers, a tissue paper house, the sun). It's hard to believe we're entering into this new phase of making art! She's been drawing a lot of snowmen and sunshines, as well as a few animals. I'm planning to photocopy them soon to make a little compilation. I'll post it when it's finished.

[ps: as usual the colors on the blog photos are not nearly as pretty as the original photos- super frustrating!! If anyone knows an easy way to fix this please tell me!]

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Patty Cake with Pumpkin Baby

Millie is pleased to announce that she is going to be a big sister soon! "Pumpkin Baby" is due to arrive at the end of June (at noon, according to Millie who is sitting right here and is big into rhyming words these days). We are planning to have a home birth with two amazing Midwives, who just so happen to work right next door to our favorite ice cream place, making well-visits that much more fun. Serendipity, no?
(there is a video below that you may only be able to view on a computer)