Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

One Month

Arlo at one month old:

Loves to...
* nap in the stretchy baby wrap
* go on nature walks with his big sister (especially pleasant when Mama remembers his sun hat!)
* nurse all day and night
* lift his head and chest up to look at light and shadows
* have cool down tubbies in the sink
* rock with Daddy in the glider chair
* lay on the grass in the garden
* listen to Millie Bea sing
* have his head rubbed

* belly bubbles during the night
* the sound of plastic bags

Fun facts...
* when he fusses to nurse he sounds like a baby dinosaur
* he quickly outgrew all the tiny baby clothes and is wearing 3-6month onesies 
* when his belly is full and he stays awake, he likes to be sitting up facing us and gives the biggest open mouth smiles while we talk to him
* he is the sweetest, softest boy in the whole wide world!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Dream babies

My beauties, waking up together.

Hello Baby

**not sure what blogger is up to, but there should be 3 posts now with Arlo pics, in the wrong order probably)**

Arlo Juniper Sansone
Born 6/20/15 at 12:32 am
8lbs 8 ounces, 20"

Our beautiful boy was born at home after 3.5 hours of active labor. Everything went great and we are very happy we planned a homebirth. Millie Bea is adjusting well. Arlo is sweeter than we ever could have imagined. Here are some (more) of his newborn pictures.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 2 weeks Arlo!

Yesterday marked Arlo's 2 weeks on the other side of the belly. I'm hoping to get a chance to write down his birth story soon and upload some more photos. For now we're just enjoying his tiny boyness. Millie keeps saying "it's so fun to have a newborn!" :)