Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10-month part 2!

Well I have certainly learned my lesson about publicly promising big posts. Oh boy!
Here are some outtakes from MB's 10 month photo shoot, in which she is grabbing the heart off the back of the chair, examining the tape, re-sticking it on the side of the chair, then clapping for herself. Genius I tell you.

On Millie's 10-month birthday I wrote her a little letter and put it in a new journal I've started for her. During my summer of graduate school we journaled the whole time, and learned different techniques for reflection. This is sort of a stream of consciousness style... just writing as the words flow into your mind without editing. I hope you don't mind me sharing it here. I'd like to post some parts of her journal on the blog from now on so everyone can share in Millie's days.

Dear Millie,
   My beautiful, sweet, soft, darling girl! Oh how you've grown these past ten months. When you were a tiny baby I promised myself that I would live in each moment with you and be present. I didn't want to miss a thing. You have given me the gift of "now", to be immersed in what is happening each minute, to have a clear mind, a more simple life. There is no greater joy than to just "be" with you. Being your Mama is a million times greater than I ever imagined it would be (and believe me, I thought it would be pretty great!). As your favorite book "Hello Baby" says- "Are you my treasure? The answer is... yes!".
   So why a sappy love note on your ten month birthday? Well my Millie Bea, you are growing into a real little girl, and I find myself with a little more time during the day and evening. I want to document all-things-Millie, so I'm starting a proper journal for you. I want to write down all of our ideas for raising you, stories about your days, how you're growing, Millie-quotes, and just everything!
  More and more often you do something, say something, or look a certain way that shows us a glimpse into the little girl you are becoming. Each day I am remembering to squeeze and savor the baby in you during this beginning time of change. Daddy and I are looking forward to your birthday in April, and we just cannot believe a year has almost passed since we became "us 3".
I love you to the moon and back, my sweet honey bear.
Your Mama,
   "Mum mum muh"
                                                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here are some catch-up photos from the past month. Adorable anecdotes to come soon!

big girl booster seat at the diner

reading at our new table (handmade by Gaga!)

snow baby after the blizzard

a new favorite: kiwis 


  1. Beautiful! Love the journal. LOVE Millie Bea!!!
    Grandma ox

  2. So sweet!! Worth the wait...


  3. You bring tears to my eyes, Helen. What a gift you have given to Millie. You and Brady are so thoughtfully living in each moment, and this little girl is just thriving for it. Much love to you all. We are proud to be Gaga and Nana.
