Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

MRI tomorrow!

After being postponed because of a fever, Millie finally has her MRI tomorrow morning at 7:30. We've rounded up the usual suspects for a hospital visit: a doll, new books, and apple juiceboxes. The nurse wants us to bring a diaper just in case (because of the medication). I was nervous about how Millie might react when I told her. Much to my surprise, she thinks it's the funniest thing she's ever heard! With a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, she grabbed her bum, said "dipe?", then told me she was going to do a "gross poop"! Just to double check I said "you're going to do a gross poop if I put a dipe on you?". "YUP!"
She's been laughing about it ever since and keeps making the same joke- sometimes she can't even finish saying it without bursting into laughter. At dinner I told her that soon we'll need to take the dog to the doctor's. She asked me if the cats will go too, and I said yes. She looked down at Shark sleeping and her eyes got big. "Ow (meow), dipe?" Much laughter ensued...
A favorite dinner of super nachos tonight to fill her belly:
Our first peace lily* bloomed this week, a good sign I think:
*the internet tells me this is actually not a peace lily, but I thought it was so I'm sticking to my original story :)


  1. GOOD LUCK today, Millie Bea! Praying for a great outcome! (those may be Star Gazer lillies if they have an amazing smell) oxoxox

  2. We are celebrating Millie and all of you today on this good news! We are not surprised, but thrilled that everything about her is so healthy...including her sense of humor. My only question now is, who is the beautiful young lady sitting at the easel, and what did she do with little Millie? Time is passing too quickly for this Nana, and we'll treasure every moment. Much love to you all. xoxo Gaga and Nana
