Millie loves talking about birthday plans (who doesn't?). She learned the game of bringing sand cakes to people and singing "Happy Birthday" from the little girl that we babysit. A couple of days ago she tried it out by herself for the first time, bringing me a pan full of sand and singing "Buppity, buppity... ba da ba.." etc, a little to the tune of Happy Birthday and finishing off with strong notes of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Yesterday we were so excited that it was cousin Sotir's birthday, she sang the song all day and sometimes included "TWO!" at the end. At tubby time we left him a phone message of the song. Then we may have called a couple of other people and left similar messages...
This morning we read Sot's birthday blog post and Millie was floored when she saw that he had her favorite things on his cake: BLUE M&Ms!! I thought the grin might freeze to her face if we looked at the picture any longer. Up until then she had been requesting a purple cake, but that has now been amended.
At bedtime tonight I was laying down with her and we were talking about various things. She reminded me that she wants a "baby, blue" for her birthday and I assured her that a doll with a blue dress is in the works. I asked her "Who had a birthday cake with blue m&ms on it?" Her eyes lit up and she put her hand on her chest (which means "me/Millie"). I said "Hmm I thought it was cousin Sotir". She gave a big smile and again indicated that it was in fact herself. I guess I was mistaken. Then she rolled over onto her back and started making a mental list of what she needs on her cake: "Bup (pink)... no. Blul (brown)... no. Blue?! Purple?! Em-a-nuhs! (m&ms)". She repeated this a few times, so I think she's pretty serious about it.
It's hard to believe the cousin-twins are 2 this month! Here's Millie with the Tochka boys last May:
Great pictures! ox