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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yard work

We had a great day today with Dada. A trip to the Home Depot, lunch at Panera, and lots of yard work. Ours friends came over to help us take a rotting tree down. We finished cleaning up the whole yard and began preparing for the planting season. Millie Bea got a new bag of sand for her sandbox and we're working on carving out a little nature playscape for her. Next step is getting the grass going so small people can have picnics and all sorts of fun. A very productive day!
Currants, blackberries, and strawberries all starting to show new growth for this year. I transplanted the peonies into this bed as their previous home is now part of the play space.
Finally feeling like spring!


  1. It really looks like Spring, and you have transformed this into a wonderful space just right for your family and friends. Great work? Excited to be in it soon. xo
