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Saturday, February 22, 2014

February art

We have a great view out our front window of the sun setting behind the hills over the Hudson River. In February the sunsets are particularly glorious (I'm not sure why exactly). One day will be deep turquoise and viridian green, and the next an unbelievable rainbow- violet, indigo, blue, green, then fiery yellow, orange, red, and magenta. 
Millie and I have been eating dinner early then setting up our watercolors on the table in anticipation of this nightly show. The thing is, you can't tell if it's going to be hidden by clouds or rain until the last minutes when the colors shoot up into the sky, so we have to move fast! When it starts we run to the window to watch, then back to the table to paint (we leave the curtain open and can see it from our chairs). Sometimes it's only 60 seconds before the colors shift and blend into new combinations, so we have to paint fast! It's a lot of excitement and SO much fun. Millie really looks up from her painting to keep checking the sunset, then continues to paint saying "wow... WOW". 
Here are some of our paintings:


  1. what a great idea!! I want to visit and do this too!

  2. Beautiful! I love winter sunsets!

  3. These are so, so beautiful! We have some gorgeous ones here in Oregon as well...a gift of Winter, it seems.
    love you lots, Nana xlxl
