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Friday, April 18, 2014

Birthday preparations: Part 2

Millie and Dada are having a date day so I can work on blue doll. It's going better than I expected but still a lot of work to do. The inner head is finished and there's a little person trying to get in here saying "Mama? Blue?"


  1. That photo of Brady and Millie is a classic! Should be framed!!! ox

  2. What a special time you are making! It is such fun to see the doll emerge...what talents you have, Helen.
    I agree with Grandma...that photo of Dada and Millie is truly wonderful.
    see you all soon. xoxo

  3. Replies
    1. Not sure what a sock doll is but I don't think so! The inner head is made with cotton tubing. Now it has skin colored jersey fabric over it.

  4. Can you please share the name of the book? It looks beautiful. I saw another one in another post that I am also going to ask about. Thank you.

    1. Yes, the book is "Whose Egg?" by Lynette Evans. A very beautiful book, highly recommend!
      Another great one we discovered this spring is "Mama built a little Nest" by Jennifer Ward. Amazon links to both below.

