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Saturday, July 19, 2014

MRI success

We had great results from our MRI on Wednesday. I should have updated sooner but it takes a few days to recover from the whole process (for us that is... Millie was fine as soon as we hit the diner for lunch that day!). I'll spare you the details of the day and go straight to the results:
The images show that her spinal cord has moved up (which Dr. Wisoff said you don't always see in the first year), and that the mystery fluid at the base of her spine has shrunk (which he wasn't expecting). So, that good news means we don't need another MRI for 2 years! This is fantastic because of course we are concerned with the effects of the MRI process on her growing body and the number of them that she will eventually have.
The motion imaging results we got back later were not great- he would have liked to have seen the end if her spine completely free-flowing, but instead there were some pieces that were not moving. We will stick with the plan of no MRI next year, so we are figuring it's pointless to speculate why those pieces are not moving. There will be no way to know until next time (if even then). So far Millie has absolutely no physical impact from all of this. Dr. Wisoff was very impressed with her mobility and activity level, especially considering she had just been under anesthesia that same morning. Here are a couple of snaps from the day:
All of the pictures are from before, except for the last one which is a very happy girl celebrating by having lunch at a diner after.


  1. What a brave person you are, Millie Bea! I am so happy for your great results! oxoxox

  2. Yay, Millie Bea! What wonderful news for you all, and Helen...thank you for sharing all the details...so helpful to understand this through your words. Her quick recovery from the MRI must be another good sign of her health.
    Love the crinkly nose smile in the last photo...her signature "I am very happy'" look!
    Love to you all. xoxo
