Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

December 25, 2013 ~ Christmas in Oregon!

presents from Santa (Peter's not talkin)

playing with cousin Emma
playing with cousin Juliana

new instruments!
family portrait :)

how did Santa know this girl loves bunnies?
                                                          grateful baby
why yes Nana, I would love some pie... both please
some pretend baking followed by some real baking, while wearing a new Nana-made apron!
nap time on Christmas Day
We had such a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with Brady's family on the west coast. It was a busy day, as you can see! Millie Bea had a great time learning the ropes from her cousins. These photos are all from Christmas day, and we have more to post/write about coming up.

ps: blogger is being difficult, as always, so the best way to see the pictures is to click the first one and scroll through them.


  1. Beautiful photos! Looks like lots of Christmas fun! ox

  2. We were so, so lucky to have you all together. With three wonderful little girls, and their very loving parents, I know this was my favorite Christmas ever. thank you!
    Love, nana xoxo
