Welcome! This is the place to be for photos and updates about our sweet bunny baby.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Into the woods

Today we went on the most wonderful family walk through the woods. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and we barely saw another person. We were out for about two hours and Sneaky Pete was off his leash the whole time in the woods. Millie has a bad cold and congested cough, so she wanted to be carried a lot more than usual, but she also walked and ran a lot. Sweet little lamb, looking for deer and collecting acorn caps to use as "cookies" for her baby dolls.
We took about 18 photos of interesting things, and I made them into an 11x14 collage poster on Snapfish. It should come in the mail next week and I'll hang it in Millie's new work space (which is just a table and empty shelf right now).
We also had an eventful bird watching day at our backyard feeders- 4 big blue jays, 2 tufted titmice, a baby(!) woodpecker, a male cardinal, and what I think was some type of vireo (gray, green, and yellow). And of course sparrows and squirrels...
Here are a few of the photos from the woods:
We also rearranged her bedroom today and it looks SO much better. There are a couple of pictures of it on the side bar from our Instagram, and we'll take one of the new bed area once we get the canopy hung up next weekend.
Hope you had a lovely weekend!


  1. What a wonderful family day! Being outside in nature is the best entertainment, isn't it? Your photos are spectacular, Helen, and will be such good memories for Millie of that special day.
    Love to you all, Nana xoxo
