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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Favorite parts

I have so many stories to share from the last couple of days, but I have to write this one down before I forget! 
While getting ready for bed, Millie was lying on her back and started pointing to parts of her face with both hands (2 eyes, 2 ears, etc). I started asking her "where is your... chin? Where is your... nose?" and so on. I was surprised how fast she could point to each part, so we kept playing faster and faster while we were both cracking up. She got ears, nose, eyes, chin, teeth, cheeks, neck, arms, hands, fingers, elbows, shoulders, belly, bum, back, legs, knees, feet, toes.
Then I kissed the bottoms of her sweet little feet and told her "My favorite part is these toe toes!", which she very well knows. I asked her "What's your favorite?" She thought for a second then said "Emma, Adeline". I said "Your favorite part of you is your friends Emma and Adeline?" She gave me a big smile and nodded yes.
Sometimes this girl really melts my heart! 
*we made some new yellow play dough today*
More later about our lovely visit with Erica :)

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